Vision boards with Dropmark

Half of the year is over, and if you’re anything like us, you may have gotten a little loose with the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. We like to check in with our annual goals around this time and rearrange our expectations or set ourselves back on track. Dropmark is a super tool for creating, reviewing, celebrating, and planning your next steps with a vision board.

What is a vision board?
A vision board is a way to brainstorm and visualize a fresh perspective or inspiration for something you hope to work for in the future. Some positive long-term changes that come with creating a vision board and keeping it visible include increasing positive thinking, solidifying goals/dreams, and increasing proactive behavior.

While vision boards create positive feedback loops and encourage you to achieve your best self, they are not just a way to manifest. It’s essential to realize that while this is an excellent tool for envisioning what you want, you must actively work on it! Keeping up with your goals can be challenging, but Dropmark makes it easy to organize your thoughts.

How to make a vision board
Start with a theme for your board, whether that is a goal you’d like to achieve. Then, start gathering anything and everything that inspires you to reach those goals. With Dropmark, you can collect images, text from inspirational messages, videos, songs, and more to keep your eyes on the prize.

Vision boards are similar to mood boards we create for client projects, where we create a specific look and feel for future products. You can use vision boards on Dropmark within a team to achieve company goals or visions.

How to use Dropmark as a vision board
For personal growth or team goals, start saving items to a collection and add a description stating the objective.

Do you have multiple goals that fit within the same theme? Create stacks within a collection to keep track of them.

Whenever you reach a milestone or wish to check in, leave comments to remind yourself how far you’ve come.

Remember to add videos or music that align with your goals or can boost your mood and add to the positive vibes!

We made a Dropmark vision board to remind us to get outdoors on the bike more; check it out!